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Exact matches: 5
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CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
✨✧ Angelo LavagninoNaked Maja ... LP
United Artists, 1959. Very Good+ ... Out Of Stock
A compelling score from Angelo Lavagnino – one that features all the lush, romantic touches you'd know from his Italian work – but which also has plenty of Spanish inflections, too – all in support of the film's story of the painter Goya! There's definitely a sense of Hollywood romanticism to the music – but the Spanish elements also come off well, too – and help undercut the obvious with maybe more of a sense of European timelessness. LP, Vinyl record album

Exact matches2
CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
✨✧ Angelo LavagninoVenere Imperiale ... CD
CAM (Italy), 1962. Used ... Out Of Stock
A lavish, quite beautiful score by Angelo Lavagnino! The film concerns the love life of Paolina Bonaparte, the sister of Napoleon – so you can expect a lush, grand scale – but it's done with a delicate, lovely and intimate touch by Lavagnino. Really lovely stuff – with a string-heavy romantic weep and more subtle sounds in nearly equal measure. Title include "Venere Imperiale", "La Famiglia Bonaparte", "Festa A S. Domingo", "La Cavalcata Di Canouville", "Nello Studio Di Canova", "Fanfrara Francese", "La Mongolfiera" and more. CD

Exact matches3
CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino5000 Dollari Sull'Asso ... CD
CAM (Italy), 1965. Used ... Just Sold Out!
The first-ever western soundtrack from Angelo Francesco Lavagnino – and a real standout from the start! The music's got plenty of subtle drama, and lots of action just waiting to burst forth at every little twist and turn – a quality that's sometimes quietly explosive, sometimes more direct – and always put together with a level of care and class that goes way beyond the usual! Lavagnino's still got a few older Italian modes in his use of horns – especially on a few of the more melodic numbers – but he also shows a great sense of space in his larger scoring, creating a musical landscape to match the open sky in the images of the film. CD
(Out of print.)

Exact matches4
CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
Angelo Francesco LavagninoKali Yug – La Dea Della Vendetta ... CD
CAM (Italy), 1963. Used ... Just Sold Out!
Kali Yug isone of the coolest, most exotic soundtracks we've ever heard from Angelo Francesco Lavagnino – and that's saying a lot, given that he also did work for crime, western, and sci fi movies too! The music has a feel that nicely fits the cover – almost exotica at times, but with more touches of jazz and soundtrack elements too – although some numbers use very cool percussion and woodwinds, with a feel that's almost ethnographic in spots! The careful blend almost rivals Les Baxter at his Capitol Records best – and titles include "Il Raja", "Idillio Di Amrita", "Le Carovane", "Rapsodia Indiana", "Giostra Bengalese", and "Notturno In Giardino". CD

Exact matches5
CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
Angelo Francisco LavagninoLegend Of The Lost – Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack ... CD
Kritzerland, 1957. Used ... $14.99 18.99
A masterful early score from Angelo Lavagnino – a composer we know best for his westerns, but who really shines in this John Wayne film from the late 50s! There's a very dark quality to Lavagnino's music here – almost echoes of the peplum film mode that was rising to prominence in Italy, but a bit more brooding too – a great mixture of exotic touches on woodwinds and percussion, blended with some slightly more serious orchestrations at points. Titles include "Timbuktu", "Smokey Cafe", "Bathing In The Desert At Night", "I Have No Dreams", "Skeletons", "Miracle In The Desert", and "Two Men & A Woman". CD
(Limited pressing of 1000 copies.)
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