Fantastic sounds from the New Zealand scene of the late 60s – music recorded quite far from the streets of London, but which crackles with all the best mod and freakbeat elements of that city's underground at the time! The music here is a stunning revelation – sounds recorded almost in obscurity, given the nation's isolation – but completely on fire in terms of the instrumentation, vocal delivery, and overall conception – and, honestly, maybe even more crackling overall than Australian work of the period, which maybe sometimes tried to hard to copy sounds up north! Instead, these guys are completely original, completely on fire, and working with a quality level that matches the best Brit work of the period – while having its very own spirit. 3CD set features a massive 80 tracks in all – a huge introduction to the period, along with an equally massive book of notes – filled with images of the rare records, and lots of information on the music. Titles include "All Night Worker" by The Newsounds, "Got Love" by Tom Thumb, "I'm Your Witch Doctor" by Chants R&B, "Living It Down" by The Deep Set, "Anything You Like" by Spectres, "Turn To Stone" by Concrete Lamb, "Rescue Me" by The Librettos, "Jump Back" by the La De Da's, "Never Ever" by The Action, "Security" by The Pleazers, "Don't Wanna Be Lonely Anymore" by The Bluestars, "Lost Woman" by The Clevedonaires, "Little Miss Rhythm & Blues" by Judge Wayne, "Baby Doll" by Grim LTD, and lots lots more!
(Out of print.)