The most extensive Sammy Davis Jr. discography/
bibliography ever published – with over 1,000 reviews of Sammy related material. To make the package more surreal, the issue looks like an 80s issue of the "punk bible" Maximum Rocknroll, with Sammy essays by MRR columnists Rev. Norb, Eugene Chhadbourne, Lali Donavan, Mike (Gearhead) Lavella, Jeff Bale, Vic (Articles of Faith) Bondi, George Tabb, Dr. Dante and Mark Murrman. Previous knowledge of Sammy or MRR not required! Articles include a
profile on Grande Otello (the Sammy of Brazil), an interview with Mark (Unrest) Robinson on his Sammy collection, The Millionaire (Combustible Edison) discussing Sammy clothing he bought at auction, Cynthia Plaster Caster describing her session casting Anthony Newley's penis, a critical breakdown on Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis' "Colgate Comedy Hour" appearances, an illustrated catologuing of every Sammy appearance ever in Mad Magazine, plus comics and features about Sammy, Sinatra, The Rat Pack, Blowfly, James Brown, HR, Miles Davis, Reagan, De La Soul, AC/
DC and more. Cover by Damon Locks!