Derek Bailey/Will Gaines/Simon H Fell/ Mark Wastell Phrase match
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DerekBailey/WillGaines/Simon H Fell/MarkWastell —
Virtual Company ... CD Confront (UK), 2024. New Copy ...
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A live recording, done at London's Cafe OTO, but one that's also got a virtual component too – as two of the performers were beaming into the club from the outside! The in-person players are MarkWastell on cello and percussion, and Simon H Fell on bass – joined by guitarist DerekBailey and dancer WillGaines – who provided plenty of percussion on the set by tapdancing as his contribution to the long improvisation – a piece that runs for 46 minutes in length, and doesn't make you feel as if all the members aren't in the same space – kind of an amazing achievement, even in these days of technology – and one that definitely lives up to the legacy of the players involved! Bailey's guitar is great, and the use of taps is especially striking for a set of improvised music. CD
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