A book that's likely to become a bible for any fan of 60s British rock – and one that also seems to have the same heft and depth of a bible as well! The huge volume is unlike anything else we've ever seen – as its pages are roughly 14" by 11" – which is perfect for reproducing its unique contents in all their glory – page after page of very rare press, promo, photos, and other materials that were used to market famous albums of the period – all the sorts of items that were never given out to the public at large, and which instead just circulated between the industry and journalists. There's amazing stuff inside – contents that go far beyond that of most record collectors' wildest dreams – on huge full color pages that reproduce everything as it initially appeared, including promo posters, label artwork, and more. It's fascinating to see the way that the record companies pitched some of these new acts – in ways that are often different than they've shown up in the history books – and the book follows a ten year span, chronologically – with sections on a vast array of artists who include Scott
Walker, Spring, Thin Lizzy, Roxy Music, Comus, Van Der Graaf Generator, Trees, Fleetwood Mac, The Pretty Things, Bloodwyn Pig, Arcadium, King Crimson, Syd Barrett, The Move, Small Faces, Genesis, The Family, Idle Race, Bill Fay,
David Bowie, Pink Floyd, The Smoke, John's Children, Vashti Bunyan, Sandy Denny, The Groundhogs, Cressida, The Who, Jackson C Frank, Zombies, Beatles, and dozens of others. The book is pricey, but well worth every penny – as it weighs in at a very hefty 403 oversize pages!