A brilliant set of ambient atmosphere and heavier instrumental mood
craft from Brian Eno on Warp Records – excellent new material from a true innovator – with deft accompaniment from Leo Abrahams on some really unique, textural guitar and Jon Hopkins on piano, keys and electronics. As a producer & collaborator to superstars, Eno seems to be called in to provide sweeping, yet atypical walls of sound to more conventional pop/
rock songwriting, but his own all too few records are as unencumbered by convention as ever. The sounds range from spare and open, to more of a thumping intensity. Of course production quality is truly impeccable, as you should expect from a sound savant of Eno's caliber. Titles include "Emerald And Lime", "Complex Heaven", "Flint", "Horse", "Bone Jump", "Dust Shuffle", "Written, Forgotten", "Late Anthropocene", "Calcium Needles", "2 Forms Of Anger", "Paleosonic" and more. Titles include "Emerald And Lime", "Complex Heaven", "Flint", "Horse", "Bone Jump", "Dust Shuffle", "Written, Forgotten", "Late Anthropocene", "Calcium Needles", "2 Forms Of Anger", "Paleosonic" and more.