A rare set from a soundtrack artist who's finally getting his due – Poland's
Andrzej Korzynski, whose work was mostly cut off from the rest of us during the years of Soviet dominance! Despite that remove, though,
Korzynski works here in a keyboard mode that resonates with some of the coolest electric film scores in western Europe at the time, particularly the balance of spaciousness, melody, and darker currents that showed up in a number of French film scores of the early 80s – modes that were decidedly different than some of the US uses of keyboards during the period, partly because they weren't afraid to let things get a bit sweet from time to time. The sounds here are maybe not as crazy as some of
Korzynski's other material, but still come across great in the spirit of the style – and titles include "Karty", "Victoria", "Milocsc Szu II", "Smierc", "Powrot", "Wielki Szu I", and "Motel Disco". CD features 12 more bonus tracks tracks from the film Dzien Kolibra – including "Przegrana", "Blue Master", and "Tylko Punk Rock".