Wonderful b-movie sleaze from Mike Curb and his usual host
of studio rock freakout groups! The sound is pure Tower – a bit kitsch and a bit garagey – kind
of a blend
of the gritty sound
of the late 60s underground, mixed with soundtrack modes that offer up a cool fantasy
of that scene as well! There's plenty
of unusual groups here – and tunes include "Mondo Hollywood" by the Mugwump Establishment, "Magic Night" by Mike Clifford, "Last Wave
Of The Day" by The Ript
ides, "Great God Pan" by God Pan, "Magic Night
March" by 18th Century Concepts, and "Moonfire" by the great Davie Allan & The Arrows! Also features the "Mondo Hollywood Freakout" by the Mugwump Establishment – a freaked-out instrumental that's worth the price
of the record alone!