Andrzej Korzynski -- Rock — All (LPs, CDs, Vinyl Record Albums) -- Dusty Groove is Chicago's Online Record Store
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Rock — All

XA mix of classic styles -- psych, garage, prog, rockabilly, punk, post-punk, singer/songwriter, and even classic rock!


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CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
✨✧ Andrzej KorzynskiPossession ... LP
Finders Keepers (UK), 1981. New Copy (reissue)... Out Of Stock
Amazing sounds from Polish composer Andrzej Korzynski – penned for a legendary horror film from the early 80s! The movie goes way beyond typical grit and gore – with a surreal bent that's made it the stuff of much discussion over the years – and Korzynski's music definitely lives up to the spirit of the images on the screen – mixing 80s electronics with offbeat strings, odd percussion, and other compelling bits – often used in very short songs that shift often throughout the course of the album – easily making the record one of the most playful we've ever heard from Finders Keepers – yet also one of the darkest too! A few sweet keyboard melodies offset some of the spookiness in a nice way – and titles include "Helen Has Green Eyes", "Opetanie 1", "The Night The Screaming Stops", "Blue Ford B AZ6", "Heinrick's Demise", "Mark Looks In The Fridge", "What Is It", and "Closely Observed Anna". (Soundtracks, Rock) LP, Vinyl record album
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CD, LP, Vinyl record album cover art
✨✧ Wislanie 69Skad My Sie Znamy (with bonus tracks) ... CD
Pronit/GAD (Poland), 1970. New Copy ... Out Of Stock
A record with a groovy 60s-styled cover, and a set that came out on the Polish scene right at the start of the 70s – at a time when this young group were really making a name for themselves in the worlds of rock and pop! There's a vibe here that's different than you might expect from the psych image on the cover – larger arrangements behind the electric guitar and organ – with very evocative vocals from female singer Elzbieta Zackowicz on some tracks, and later SBB member Janusz Hryniewicz on others. And there's another noteworthy side of the record – it features a number of compositions by the great Andrzej Korzynski, who'd later make a huge name for himself as a composer in Polish cinema. Lyrics are in Polish throughout – and titles include "Dluga Noc", "Chce Wierzyc Twoim Slowom", "Skad My Sie Znamy", and "Niezdecydowany Chlopak". CD features 8 more bonus tracks – including some the group did for a Polish TV show! CD
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