The first full length from MF Doom – a record that set the standard for underground hip hop to come! On this modern classic, Doom caps off the 90s with more jazzy soul in the beats, and some semblance of straightforward rhyme mastery from both Doom & his guests – taken to the outer ... read moreLP, Vinyl record album
The first full length from MF Doom – a record that set the standard for underground hip hop to come! On this modern classic, Doom caps off the 90s with more jazzy soul in the beats, and some semblance of straightforward rhyme mastery from both Doom & his guests – taken to the outer ... (Cassettes, Hip Hop)read moreCassette
The first full length from MF Doom – a record that set the standard for underground hip hop to come! On this modern classic, Doom caps off the 90s with more jazzy soul in the beats, and some semblance of straightforward rhyme mastery from both Doom & his guests – taken to the outer ... read moreLP, Vinyl record album
(2024 Black Friday shipped randomly with either the original cover on sliver vinyl with purple & green accents, and with the later variant cover with gold & red splatter vinyl. Fulfilled at random!)
The first full length from MF Doom – a record that set the standard for underground hip hop to come! On this modern classic, Doom caps off the 90s with more jazzy soul in the beats, and some semblance of straightforward rhyme mastery from both Doom & his guests – taken to the outer ... read moreCD
(Longbox CD editions feature full color boxes with original art or variant cover. Fulfilled at random!)
The first 2 volumes from Doom's now seminal spice rack of beats – on double vinyl! These ingredients stretch way back, all the way to the KMD days, plus other beats, samples, and instrumental stew from the classic Operation: Doomsday, King Ghidorah and some less familiar efforts. Beats by ... read moreLP, Vinyl record album