Totally fantastic work from this legendary group – a very early example of African and Brazilian modes crossing together – and served up in a style that's maybe even more hard-hitting than similar projects in more recent years! There's a very percussive sound to the album – as if the group are exploring West African influences on batucada modes – with vocals that lilt and soar over the top, almost with some samba inflections – although some numbers with larger horns and other instruments take on a completely different vibe! The whole thing is fantastic – an example of fresh experimentation that's in the territory of the Afro Sambas project by Baden Powell – with titles that include "Ago Lonan", "Rei N'Aruanda", "Nagana (Senhor)", "Xango". "Os Oinho De Iaia", "Babaloxa", "Tire O Calundu", "Palmares", "India", "Mo-Fi-La-Do-Fe", "Saudacao Aos Orixas", and "Canto Para Omolu". (Brazil, Global Grooves)LP, Vinyl record album
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