Life-affirming songs about love And loss – beautiful pre-war Cajun bayou music, folk sounds from Ukraine, Poland, and the rural American communities of the late teens to mid 30s – absolutely beautiful records from those days with top notch notes, packaging and curator skill courtesy of Tompkins Square! We love Tompkins Square's folk compilations for the passion on display in each – we're more educated about American and global folk music after each one comes out, but this isn't academic or museum-like listening – it's pulls you right in! The thematic string of songs about love and loss connects disparate music brilliantly here – the full color booklet is integral, though the music tells the story well on its own – with well-written notes by producer
Christopher King. Remastered 78s never sound better on CD than they do on Tompkins Square releases. 36 songs on 2CDs: "AImer Et Perdre" by Cleoma & Joe Falcon, "Polka Masurka" by Ukrainska Selska Orchestra, "Je Veux Marier" by Leo Solieau & Moise Robin, "I Will Never Marry" by The Carter Family, "Madam Young, Donnez Moi Votre Plus Jolie Blond" by Dennis McGee & Sady Courville, "La Valse La Prison" by Douglas Bellard & Kirby
Riley, "She Lied To Me" by Emry Arthur, "Never Let The Same Bee That Stung You, Sting You Twice" by Richard Rabbit Brown, "One Step A Marie" by Breaux Freres and more.
(Folk/Country, Global Grooves)